Unable to walk on the mortal plane The Gods of Cration have been forced to take vessels.
Unable to walk the world of Vala the Gods of Creation created vessels. These vessels are like empty suits that allow them to walk the mortal world. The vessel’s body is completely changed by the experience their mortal bodies are molded and changed to fit the weight of the God. When this occurs the Vessel is granted unimaginable power. The ability to wield there God’s element with absolute precision. In exchange for this power, the gods can take over the vessel’s body whenever they feel like it.
Sooner or later the immortal soul ends up destroying the mortal soul. Typically, the mortal soul recurrently finds itself inescapably drawn towards the higher resonating Immortal's Soul, only to over an over be forcibly repelled back. As such, the mortal soul, with every shuddering impact, involuntarily sheds off a few layers of its vitality, eventually wearing itself down to almost nothingness from ceaselessly grinding up against the more unyielding immortal one.
However, a mortal's flesh, akin to a mortal's soul, is likewise not made to withstand the great strain stemming from prolonged exposure to the overbearing resonance presence of an Immortal's Essence. And once the host's soul is no longer at play to somewhat shield against the encroaching soul resonance of the occupying Godt, the body sure-enough begins to rapidly degrade to the point where physical integrity can no longer be maintained. Accordingly, the more energy the God now expends, the proportionally swifter is the spread of anatomical decay which will unquestionably lead to the complete collapse of the Vessel's body -crumbling it off piece by piece off to dust- assuring its untimely demise. Certain spells might briefly enable to effectively curb the tide of progressive degeneration to delay death, but ultimately, the Vessel's corporeal form cannot be indefinitely sustained through such extreme methods.
The God’s have very rarely used their vessels. Vessels throughout history have started crusades destroyed nations and ended bloodlines all in the name of their God.
While most people exist complacently somewhere between good and evil, content to putter along in their dull lives exhibiting neither great heroism nor dastardly villainy, a vessel is never ordinary to anything more than passing observation. They may indeed go many years at a time without doing anything noteworthy, but they infallibly either prove themselves the most selfless and noble of saints or the most depraved and demonic of persons. Being as they have a far greater capacity for good or ill than mortals, there is ultimately little in way of grey about their personalities.