What is Entertainment Stew University (ESU)?

 We at Entertainment Stew believe entertainment is a zeitgeist. Because of this, you can take something educational from almost any artifact of popular culture and entertainment. Entertainment Stew University (ESU) is the culmination of Entertainment Stew's mission.

ESU is a diverse academic landscape, offering a multitude of majors, each representing a different piece of media. With each course, ESU students will embark on a journey to explore the written piece and an associated assignment for that piece. By passing enough courses within a Major, students may earn an ESU Degree, opening up a world of possibilities. (An ESU degree cannot be used for future employment. But you may use it to brag to your friends!)

In our curriculum, you will find a growing library of edutainment resources. These resources can add an extra layer of enjoyment to your entertainment consumption, or they can even serve as an alternative classroom assignment.

General Education Curriculum

Entertainment Stew University’s General Education curriculum focuses more on the bases of thought that is present throughout all of our curriculums. The General Education Program is designed to foster critical skills by helping students develop the ability to solve problems, think analytically, and communicate clearly.