Tales from the World of Vala - Love at First Bite (Chapter 2)
Tier 2 Contract: Lily Eros has one love in her life: Roxanne Rose. Unfortunately, Roxanne has gone missing, and she needs an escort to find her before it’s too late. The Land of Luloba is known for its excess of love, but with this mission, everyone will learn that love bites.
Chapter Description: The party arrives at the Temple of the Blood God. How will they handle the cult and save Lily and Roxanne?
Derrick - Loremaster
Assia - Romeow Ruffian
Sam - Cherry Garzia
Josmar- Jax Vinewood
Tales from the World of Vala. is an actual play Tabletop podcast that utilizes the World of Vala tabletop system created by Entertainment Stew.
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