The World of Vala: Ties that Bind - Book 1: The Arcanum

Prologue Arc
The raging Void Beast known as the Inanis has been unleashed upon Alexandria. It is up to four strangers to stand up against the rampaging beast/ Will our heroes be able to survive?
The Pirate Ruko Rovka has lived on Verdun in service to others for most of his life. When given the opportunity of a lifetime will Ruko give in or fight for the freedom he believes in.
Princess Vera Samoon-Atlas of Luloba has run away from her life of luxury to attend the great Arcanum, the College of Druids. Left alone with her Dire-Wolf, Vera must survive life within the city-state of Alexandria until she can audition for the college of her dreams.
Blackguard member Xiomaris Umbra safeguards the people of the Badlands of the Land of the Dead. But a hunter can only do so much. Xiomaris with his trusty Voidglider at hand leads a chaotic race across the Land of the Dead in order to head to his future as a student at the Arcanum, The College of Druids.
Prince Ivan Folgore has fled from the safety of his sheltered royal upbringing and finds himself on a path filled with wonder and dread as he aims his sights to attend the prestigious Arcanum, The College of Druids.
Arcanum Orientation Arc
As the classroom becomes calm it’s time for THE CLASSROOM RUMBLE! Will our party come out on top or will they show the class that they can’t be taken seriously?
The party is attempting to rush through the Great Barrier Forest desperate to find an appropriate spirit for Xiomaris what lengths will the party go to ensure they make it to the Arcanum.
The party is attempting to rush through the Great Barrier Forest desperate to find an appropriate spirit for Xiomaris what lengths will the party go to ensure they make it to the Arcanum.
Ruko Rovka has passed his first test into the Arcanum. Will he be able to get a spirit in time to make it into the Arcanum or will he crash and burn.
Surviving multiple battles and finally receiving a break our party wakes up to find a beast out of ancient history. How will this encounter fare for our heroes?
After a rough start within The Great Barrier Forst are party is hunted down by the master of Divination Morrigan Oathkeeper. How will they survive the encounter?
Our party has made it to their dream! They are now members of the College of Druids! Or are they? Turns out they have one more challenge before they can become full-fledged members they must bond with a spirit within the forest as their first act as a Druid!
School Daze Arc
The party spends their second week at the Arcanum and learn some interesting things about their own mana.
After a long week, the party finally reaches the premiere event at the start of a new year at the Arcanum “Blast-Off.”
The party comes together to create a new faction within the City-State of Alexandria. It’s time for DiaboliX to take a pl.ace on the main stage.
While Xiomaris and Vera worked on their community service, Ivan alone at home has an extremely normal day…until he’s forced to deal with an attack from a gang known as Firebrand
Forced to take part in Community Service Xiomaris and Vera wake up to bodyguard Eve Heart, eldest daughter of the Ikarus Crime Family. What kind of trouble could they possibly get in.
Ordered by his Druid Master to meet him in the dead of night Xiomaris enlists the help of Vera and Ivan to explore the darkside of her discipline.
Our Druid Party tries their luck in their first full week at the Arcanum what misadventures can they get into within the confines of the most prestigious druid school.
Golden Hour Arc
It’s the season finale of “The World of Vala - Ties that Bind.” The crew will finally be reunited with each other what are the after effects of their war against the The Order of the Golden Sun, and how will the nation of Alexandria change forever.
DiaboliX has made it thorugh and beaten the Order of the Golden Sun! But Ivan has been captured by the Druids and Vera had to flee Alexandria to ensure she and Damien weren’t caught. Now the two diffrent groups must find their way back to the DiaboliX home base.
Due to Hurricane Ian in October, we have actually lost the secure drive that contained several different World of Vala Ties that Bind Episodes. We provided a synopsis for the missing parts at the top of the episode as we continue with the ending of season 1.
Team 3 clash with The Order of the Golden Sun at their base in order to save Eve!
Vera escapes from prison in order to confront the Leader of the Order of the Golden Sun, Misery. Will she be able to take on the full force of the storm?
The fated confrontation between DiaboliX and the Order of the Golden Sun has arrived. Will DiaboliX’s plan work or will they fall before the might of the Sun.
DiaboliX meets with all of their gathered allies to devise a plan to bring down the Order of the Golden Sun and save Eve. But, Mariah Machuca awakens, and she is ready to talk business.
The party of Ivan and Ruko find themselves in the most intense game of Tag, as Miriam of the Order of the Golden Sun chases them down. Will our party be able to lose their tail, or will they fall?
The DiaboliX crew runs around the city to find allies for their upcoming confrontation with the Order of the Golden Sun. They chase after familiar faces as well as a potential new partner, an information broker by the name of Feyd Del Mar.
The DiaboliX crew are at their lowest point how will they bounce back against this threat and how will they save Eve?
This book opens up with Xiomaris, Ivan, Vera, and Ruko making their journey to the legendary Arcanum. Each player character lays down a unique path towards their goal of the Arcanum. Once admitted, they found themselves at the bottom of the heap of the first-year class.
As they go through their misadventures at the College of Druids, they run into several problems, including community service (bodyguarding Eve Heart), gaining the ire of a Billionaire (Boro Machuca), starting a gang (DiaboliX), and dealing with grades and responsibilities on their own time.
Things were going well for the party when DiaboliX is attacked by The Order of the Golden Sun, and Eve Heart is taken by the opposing gang, initiating a bloody conflict between the two gangs.
Needing help, the members of DiaboliX ran to Ruko Rovka and hired his Silver Sparrows faction, who readily agreed.
Accidentally implicating Machuca Inc. with a local drug rink Xiomaris Umbra created a chain reaction that led to the dissolving of local faction KAOS, the creation of another faction, Guerrilla Strategy, and a local information broker by the name of Feyd Del Mar temporarily joining DiaboliX against The Order of the Golden Sun.
DiaboliX beat The Order of the Golden Sun with the united forces in a triple battlefield assault. In the chaos of battle, Vera Samoon-Atlas defeated the leader of the Golden Sun, Misery Hadad, in one-on-one combat.
Despite the defeat of the leader DiaboliX had one more hurdle to cross: The Co-Leader Antonio Hester. As DiaboliX struggled with Antonio the group dropped a airship on him, run over him with various cars, and finally destroy the shrine to the God of Cruelty that Antonio drew his power from. It took Vera consuming the experimental God Fruit to take on Antonio as an Elemental.
As they put the Co-Leader down, Ivan lost Vaconic Control. With no control over his actions the party had to bring down Ivan hard in order to ensure the raging Vaconic didn’t destroy the city. Thinking quickly Xiomaris shoots Ivan with a Clear Thought Bullet and brings the Prince back to his senses.
Before the party had a chance to rest multiple Master Druids make it to the scene and attempt to arrest the members of DiaboliX. Unfortunately the only one that doesn’t escape is Ivan. Xiomaris transforms into Void and disappears from the scene as Vera and Damien flee towards the Ocean.
Ivan is captured and interrogated by Drakon, an armor-clad vigilante, and Sentinel, the great Druidic Hero. Both are trying to find out what happened between DiaboliX and the Order of the Golden Sun. It is here where Ivan finds out the Arcanum itself was attacked by void beasts, and while they have been dealing with the problems garnered by the Order of the Golden Sun, the city has been under siege.
Before they can interrogate Ivan thoroughly, Boro Machucha relieves them of their duties. Boro Machuca reveals that he has been given provisional power over the island of Alexandria as a temporary Mayor of the Island-Nation. He reveals to Ivan that his private army has taken down the city's void beasts and established control. Whereas the Druids could not. He offers Ivan a chance to join him, but Ivan refuses and walks back home.
While lost at sea Vera and Damien are almost struck down by pirates and their floating Island-Ship Verdun. They are saved by a loan man who reveals himself to Vera as Kaz Amory, the God of Heroes. Kaz is heading towards Alexandria because he senses the unique Vaconic power of his son, who he discovers to be Ivan Folgore.
As the party is reunited at the DiaboliX base Boro makes his brazen announcement. Boro announces that he and his corporation are now in charge of Alexandria. He goes on to explain that he has built a number of different alliances for the betterment of Alexandria.
He reveals that the Pirate Republic of Verdun will be patrolling the Waterways of Alexandria with Captain Nova Samoon-Wesley leading the pirate armada.
He then announced that while looking for her runaway son, Queen Genevieve Folgore of Kirin has discovered that he was hiding out in Alexandria. Without an heir to takeover the nation of Kirin was forced into a period of destablization. In order to stablize the nation Queen Genevieve has agreed to enter into an arranged marriage with Nico Samoon-Atlas in order to produce an heir.
Finally Boro pushes the announcement that he’s been waiting for. The borders of Rokander have been opened up with an exclusive alliance with Machucha Incorporated. God-King Grigor Xander Rokander, The God of War, has arrived to the city-state to collect his younger brother.
As he finishes his annoucnment Boro ends it with painting DiaboliX as enemy number one in his new regime, and signs off to the despair of our party.
With little to do with the Arcanum out of commission for thirty days, Nico orders the members of DiaboliX to train and prepare for a harsher return to a Boro controlled Alexandria.
The party gets philosophical as they take on the hardest challenge in their life. A college entrance exam.